It's been a busy weekend here at the ol' Ritter Ranch. Keep reading and see all of the fun and the work we did.
Saturday mornings mean yard work... well maybe for most people... for us it's a rather rare thing but we all buckled down and got busy. The fun part was that when we all pitched in and got it done it didn't seem all that bad.
First we took care of the chicken coop and added the trampoline top for some extra shade (yeah we should have done this at the BEGINNING of summer instead of the end. Oh well.

Madi is holding the chicken that broke its leg when it was young. We just about ended her sweet little life but I kept her right next to me all day on my desk until it healed. Now she does not even have a limp.
Jack is holding one of our Turkins. They are not really part turkey but they sure do look weird. I love their naked necks!
We all worked on the garden and got quite a lot planted. We're a little late so I hope it all comes up in time.

Onions, scallions, green beans, sugar snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, and broccoli. YUM!!

Last night was our ward's trunk or treat. We didn't spend any money on costumes this year (which I'm thrilled with). I always like the costumes you create from what you have. :-)
I had a lot of white fabric that I was going to make a nightgown with. Instead it was used to make a mummy. Madi went with the traditional "baby going to bed". They both looked great!

Tonight we had poppy over for dinner. Lemon garlic chicken has been cooking up all day long in the crock pot. I served it up with green beans, carrots, and rice a roni. YUM :) Good food, good conversation, and excellent giggles make for the perfect Sunday dinner.
And then once supper was over we had THE CONTEST... who has longer hair... poppy or Jack? LOL~~ :) I'll let you be the judge. All I can say is I think with dad's retirement getting closer and closer he's reverting back to his hippie days.

Either way I think they both could benefit quite nicely by spending some quality time with nanna and her scissors. :-)