Sunday, August 30, 2015

Preparing for the Savior’s Second Coming

In Mark 13 Jesus uses the words “take heed” and “watch” many times. You can find them in verses 5, 9, 23, 33, 35, and 37. To me, this is the Savior’s way of saying “pay attention, this is important”. So what was the important message he was giving to his apostles and to us in this chapter? There are at least three main points that I was able to find. These three points are guides to help us prepare to meet the Lord: 

First, he warns us to not be deceived. We must look to the authorized priesthood holders in our Church to guide and instruct us. We must stay close to the prophet and apostles and take the time to hear and read and study their words that they give to us in our lesson manuals, the Ensign, and in General Conference. If we stick close to the mainstream of the church it will be more difficult for us to be deceived and led away. 

Second, the Savior teaches us that it’s not going to be easy. He mentioned physical beatings but in our day it is more often emotional beatings and social pressures that we must overcome. Regardless, Jesus gives us comfort in knowing that if we stand by his side and defend his teachings he will also stand by us and help us through. 

Finally, the Lord teaches us that we do not know when he will come again but that we have been given stewardship and authority to watch over his kingdom until his return. He trusts us to do his work and to bring in his lost sheep. He warns us that he does not want to return to find us sleeping or shirking our duties. We need to do our part to help strengthen and grow his kingdom.

So how else can we prepare for his second coming? Here are a few scriptures that help guide us:
  • Doctrine and Covenants 87:8 – We are told to stand in holy places. This can be our homes, our churches, our temples, and even our own minds.
  • Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:32 – There will be an “abomination of desolation” concerning the destruction of Jerusalem.
  • Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:37 – Again we are warned to not be deceived by false teachings. We can avoid this by treasuring up his words, or in other words reading and studying the scriptures and words of our modern prophets.
  • Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:46–50 – Just as a man who knows the hour that a thief might break into his house will be prepared and ready so must we be awake and ready for the coming of the Lord.
  • Doctrine and Covenants 33:17 – Be faithful to the covenants and commandments, pray always, and be ever ready for his return. This scripture makes a reference to the 10 virgins and how we should not procrastinate the day of our repentance.
  • Doctrine and Covenants 45:56–57 – This scripture also makes a reference to the 10 virgins and how we should not procrastinate the day of our repentance. We are cautioned to receive the truth, take the Holy Spirit for our guide, and be not deceived.

I know that if we are faithful to the commandments and the covenants that we have made that we will be prepared for the day that the savior comes again. Within those covenants and commandments can be found all of the guide points and maps we would ever need to return to our Father in Heaven and be saved.

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