Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Savior’s Instructions about the Holy Ghost

The Savior taught many things while he was among the people. Today we will focus on what he taught about the Holy Ghost. Here is a list of several verses and what the Lord said about what the Holy Ghost does and what the disciples must do to receive the Holy Ghost:

  • John 14:15–17: As we keep the commandments we will be blessed with the companionship of the Holy Ghost
  • John 14:26–27: The Holy Ghost comes from the Father and teaches us the truth of all things. He will also help us remember what we have learned from the scriptures and prophets. Finally, he will bring peace and comfort to us. We have the council to not be troubled or afraid.
  • John 15:26–27: The Holy Ghost will testify of Christ. We are to also testify of Christ.
  • John 16:7–8: The Holy Ghost could not dwell with the disciples as long as Christ was there. Only one member of the Godhead is necessary for one to feel the spirit. They did not have need of the Holy Ghost while Christ was with them but once he left them then he would send the Spirit to be with them.
  • John 16:13–14: The Spirit will guide us in all truth as well as help us see clearly that which is to come.

When the Savior left the Apostles and disciples were seemingly without a spiritual guide. They needed the Spirit with them to help strengthen, uplift, and comfort them through the coming years. Things would become almost unbearable as the Apostles are killed and the gospel is taken from the earth. The faithful believers were blessed to have the comfort and peace that the Spirit could bring to them during their trials.

For many years I was a seminary teacher. I loved that assignment and learned so much from the scriptures. Even today I am surprised at the things I can remember that I studied years and years ago. I know it is the Holy Ghost that brings those things to my remembrance when I need them.

Today we have trials of all kinds. When we are scared or troubled we can call upon the Spirit to help us through our challenges. I remember a time when I was struggling with severe depression. I had seen a doctor and received medication but was still unable to shake the deep darkness I was feeling. Thankfully, the Spirit came to me like a cool summer breeze when I was at my very darkest hour. I could feel the comfort and peace and hope. It saved me in every way possible.

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