Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Today some things changed and I think a new window opened.

I'm prompted to ask myself "What do I want to be when I grow up?"

I don't have to search hard to find the answer. There are two things that I love to do. The first is to program blogs and webpages the second is to teach. However, I do not necessarily like teaching how to program a blog LOL

I have a dream... that someday my sore little tootsies will be able to rest comfortably in some nice moccasins under my desk in my cabin on a lake.

This will do...

See the little fishing pond in the back? There is also a little garden back behind the cabin too. :-)

So now I need to make a plan so I can have my dream. Want to join me?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I want to be there with you... forever. I will cook and clean. You grow our food. We can go fishing..... yep. It invites me! :)
