I love Idaho. There is literally a stillness in my soul when I am there. My spirit hums with the rhythm of the seasons. I have many memories that sing to my heart when I think of my childhood there. Good friends, fun family, and the perfect country upbringing.
Now I am torn. I love that land and my family that now lives there but I also love my family in Arizona. I will miss them with all my heart while I am gone. I cannot think about it too much. The thought of not seeing Madi and Jack for a few months tears my heart out. But we all need a break. Tensions are high around here lately but what home with teenagers isn't tense sometimes?
I think Madi put it best... "What teenager wouldn't want a summer free from a nagging mom. But then again I'll miss you so much." I'm paraphrasing here but you get the drift.
Thank goodness for cell phones, Skype, Facebook, and other modern wonders. Maybe they won't seem so far away after all.
I do have a few plans for this summer while I'm up there (in no particular order)...
- Finish writing my book
- Fishing with dad
- Build up new clients for www.InYourWriteMind.com
- Crochet with my auntie
- Craft with mom
- Build a few blogs and websites
- Go for long walks along the Snake River
- Find three new clients
- Figure out what I'm going to do with the rest of my life
hey-maybe i could join you on the snake river walk. seriously.