Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Abide in the Doctrines of Christ

There have always been those who profess to know the truth when what they are really spreading is lies. They purposely set out to deceive believers and bring them to their side which is not the side of Christ. One example of this is the warning that John gives in 2 John 1:7 “For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.” The story behind why John was warning the people of these deceivers is quite interesting.

The deceivers were the Docetists. They were Gnostick heretics who persisted in teaching that Christ was a phantom. The said that all of the miracles and ministering that he did were in appearance only. They believed that matter is evil and therefore Christ could not have been a material being because that would make him evil. I find it a little ironic that Christ organized matter in order to create the world. By their reasoning even the very earth that Christ created would be evil.

John warns the people to not believe anyone who says that Christ did not come in the flesh. At the time this was a good litmus test to know if they were teaching false doctrine. If they taught this doctrine, that Christ did not come in the flesh, then the proverbial well was poisoned and they should not trust anything that this group of people preached because they were the antichrist.

Had the people believed his doctrine it would have undermined the whole atonement. If Christ was not of the flesh then he would not have actually suffered in Gethsemane. It would only “seem” like he suffered. If that is true then the whole purpose of him coming to earth to save us all would have been in vain.

John goes on to council the people on how to detect if someone is or is no of God. The first test, and this even works today, is to look at their life. Do they follow the teachings of the doctrines of Christ? If they do then they are most likely of God. But if their acts be contrary to the doctrines of Christ then they should not be welcomed into our homes and lives. 

We have the responsibility to protect ourselves from evil and avoiding those who do not follow the doctrines and commandments of Christ in their everyday living is one way we can protect ourselves and our families.

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